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PVT is coming! If you are invited we encourage you to prayerfully consider accepting. Ask the Lord to make a way for you to go on your own journey, with your Racer. You will not regret it! Lives are changed, relationships are made stronger, and you get to experience what your Racer goes through daily. It’s a win-win! 

However, we are aware that not every parent gets invited to the field. We want to encourage you there are multiple reasons you may not get invited, and they do not always have anything to do with your relationship with your Racer.  Many times they don’t want to interrupt what God is doing in their lives, or they feel seeing you might bring some homesickness, or they might assume you cannot afford to come or wouldn’t want to. Please respect the Racer’s decision and try not to take it personally if you do not get invited to go. We know this can be a difficult thing, but usually the Racer has his/her reasons, and many times they will share these with you at some point. 

We are also aware that some parents get invited but cannot go for various reasons. We understand, but we want to encourage you to truly consider those reasons and seek the Lord as to what he would have you do. If money is the issue, you can fundraise. If it is work, consider approaching your boss and just asking. In other words, do not limit God by just assuming it is impossible. We have seen miracles worked for parents to go on the field. If you feel drawn to go then ask him how to get there. 

Below is a video of a PVT in Swaziland that is a good snapshot of what happens on these trips. 


 More Than a Mission Trip

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